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Carpet flooring from Meyer Floors & Blinds

Choosing carpet or switching over

Those who are loyal to carpet as their go-to flooring material, rarely ever choose anything else. It’s hard to switch once you’ve experienced the luxurious underfoot feel, the warmth that it adds to any room, and the overall experience of living with this soft floor covering. However, if you’ve never experienced it, perhaps you need to do so?

These days, carpet has a lot more benefits to bring to the table than it uses to have, especially with regards to stains. It’s always been the perfect flooring for homes with children, though, and that’s something that will never change.

Whether this is your first-ever floor shopping experience, or if you’re simply looking for something other than a hard floor covering, we think you’ve picked a great material to start with. Meyer Floor is happy to help you choose the perfect flooring for your home. We proudly service the areas of Lakewood, Tacoma, Puyallup, Gig Harbor, and Steilacoom, with a showroom located in Tacoma, WA. Stop by anytime to check out our flooring materials or with any questions that you might have.

Why choose carpet

You might be wondering why you would ever want to switch to the carpet. You’ve probably heard how hard it is to keep clean, and that it’s just awful for those with allergies. Well, the fact is, things have changed.

These days, carpet fibers are manufactured with a variety of special features built right into the flooring. For instance, if stains are going to be an issue, you can order flooring that has special stain resistance, some even geared specifically towards pet stains and odors. On the other hand, you can also order flooring with hypoallergenic fibers, straight from the manufacturer.

Once you’ve decided to give this floor covering a try, you’ll want to consider what your exact needs are, so that you can find the perfect material. If you have a great deal of traffic on a regular basis, you definitely want a fiber that can stand up to that traffic. On the other hand, if that’s not the case, you’re free to choose something a little less durable and exotic. The fact is, if this is your first time choosing carpet, you owe it to yourself to choose something nice. Don’t go with the cheapest thing you can find, and by no means should you skimp on the padding. You’ll be so glad with the finished result.

Reimagine your home

with our carpet gallery